Publicación: Diseño de un sistema de guiado en tiempo real para tratamiento de tumores móviles con terapia de protones
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Ciencias
La radioterapia es actualmente el tratamiento preferente en solitario o como complemento en un gran número de tumores diferentes. Las fuentes tradicionales de radiación son haces de electrones o fotones, y fuentes radioactivas. En las últimas décadas la terapia con haces de hadrones ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en la técnica más avanzada de radioterapia existente. Sin embargo, debido a la alta precisión que requiere, las posibilidades de tratamiento de tumores móviles son aún muy limitadas. Este documento propone una novedosa técnica, compatible con TAC, que utiliza campos electromagnéticos para el guiado en tiempo real de objetivos móviles durante la terapia; y ha dado lugar a un proyecto para la construcción de un prototipo.
Radiation therapy is indicated as the main or adjuvant treatment in a wide range of tumors in modern medicine. Traditional radiation sources include electron and photon beams, and radioactive sources. In the last decades therapy with hadron beams has evolved to be the state of the art in radiation therapy, and main indication in several specific cancers. However due to the precision required, the capabilities to treat moving tumors is still very limited. This document proposes a novel, CT imaging compatible technique for real time guiding of moving targets using electromagnetic fields during therapy; a project for building a prototype has been initiated based on this work.
Radiation therapy is indicated as the main or adjuvant treatment in a wide range of tumors in modern medicine. Traditional radiation sources include electron and photon beams, and radioactive sources. In the last decades therapy with hadron beams has evolved to be the state of the art in radiation therapy, and main indication in several specific cancers. However due to the precision required, the capabilities to treat moving tumors is still very limited. This document proposes a novel, CT imaging compatible technique for real time guiding of moving targets using electromagnetic fields during therapy; a project for building a prototype has been initiated based on this work.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Ciencias
Física Matemática y de Fluídos