Comparative Evaluation of the Fast Marching Method and the Fast Evacuation Method for Heterogeneous Media

Fernández Galán, Severino . (2021) Comparative Evaluation of the Fast Marching Method and the Fast Evacuation Method for Heterogeneous Media. Applied Artificial Intelligence (2021) 35 -13, p.1056–1080

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Título Comparative Evaluation of the Fast Marching Method and the Fast Evacuation Method for Heterogeneous Media
Autor(es) Fernández Galán, Severino
Materia(s) Informática
Ingeniería Informática
Abstract The evacuation problem is usually addressed by assuming homogeneous media where pedestrians move freely in the presence of several exits and obstacles. From a more general perspective, this work considers heterogeneous media in which the velocity of pedestrians depends on their location. We use cellular automata with a floor field that indicates promis- ing movements to pedestrians and, in this context, we extend two competitive evacuation methods in order for them to be applied to heterogeneous media: the Fast Marching Method and the Fast Evacuation Method. Furthermore, we evaluate the performance that these two methods exhibit over different simulated scenarios characterized by the presence of hetero- geneous media. The resulting winning method in terms of evacuation effectiveness is greatly influenced by the particular problem being simulated.
Palabras clave evacuation
heterogeneous medium
cellular automaton
Fast Marching Method
Fast Evacuation Method
Editor(es) Taylor & Francis
Fecha 2021-08-30
Formato application/pdf
Identificador bibliuned:95-Sfernandez-0004
DOI - identifier
ISSN - identifier 0883-9514; eISSN: 1087-6545
Nombre de la revista Applied Artificial Intelligence
Número de Volumen 35
Número de Issue 3
Página inicial 1056
Página final 1080
Publicado en la Revista Applied Artificial Intelligence (2021) 35 -13, p.1056–1080
Idioma eng
Versión de la publicación acceptedVersion
Tipo de recurso Article
Derechos de acceso y licencia
Tipo de acceso Acceso abierto
Notas adicionales The registered version of this article, first published in Applied Artificial Intelligence (2021) 35 -13, p.1056–1080, is available online at the publisher's website: Taylor & Francis,
Notas adicionales La versión registrada de este artículo, publicada por primera vez en Applied Artificial Intelligence (2021) 35 -13, p.1056–1080, está disponible en línea en el sitio web del editor: Taylor & Francis, 1972252

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Creado: Fri, 05 Apr 2024, 16:42:22 CET