A Study of Heuristic Techniques Inspired in Natural Process for the Solution of the Container Fill Problem

Delgado Pineda, Miguel, de Pedro Salinas J. M. y Aranda J. . (2005) A Study of Heuristic Techniques Inspired in Natural Process for the Solution of the Container Fill Problem. Lecture Notes in Computer Science

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Título A Study of Heuristic Techniques Inspired in Natural Process for the Solution of the Container Fill Problem
Autor(es) Delgado Pineda, Miguel
de Pedro Salinas J. M.
Aranda J.
Materia(s) Informática
Resumen This article shows some techniques based on simulated annealing and genetic alghoritms for the resolution of a filling problem of a container of two dimensions using rectangular pieces of sizes not congruent. This problem is quite related to problems like bin-packing or strip-packing. The comparative was made using several type problems and having into account parameters like run time, number of solutions that converge to the optimum one and quality of the found non-optimum solutions.
Editor(es) Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Fecha 2005-01-01
Formato text/html
Identificador DPA2005
Publicado en la Revista Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Idioma eng
Versión de la publicación publishedVersion
Tipo de recurso Article
Derechos de acceso y licencia http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0
Tipo de acceso Acceso abierto

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Creado: Fri, 16 Nov 2007, 13:22:38 CET