Ayala Cañón, LuisNavarro Ruiz, Carolina2024-05-202024-05-202023-03978 1 80088 344 4https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800883451.00036https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14468/15437The notion of ‘housing poverty’ is employed to cover a variety of conditions that are not always interchangeable. It is not a clearly defined concept, nor is it a form of poverty that can be clearly disconnected from other dimensions. In this chapter, we examine the idea of housing poverty through four areas of analysis: the identification of the housing conditions that are relevant to the study of deprivation, the methods and approaches to create measures of housing deprivation, the evidence related to the dynamics of housing deprivation, and the links between housing and poverty.enHousing povertybook partdeprivationhousinghousing costspovertyrental income