Muñiz González, Ana BelénMartínez Guitarte, José LuisElsevier2025-01-292025-01-292020Muñiz-González, Ana-Belén, Martínez-Guitarte, José-Luis. Combined effects of benzophenone-3 and temperature on gene expression and enzymatic activity in the aquatic larvae Chironomus riparius. Science of The Total Environment,Volume 698, 2020, 134292, 0048-9697 registered version of this article, first published in “Science of The Total Environment,Volume 698, (2020), 134292", is available online at the publisher's website: Elsevier , change and pollution are two of the main environmental problems living organisms currently face. Temperature canmodify a toxicant's effects and the organism's response to it. Globalwarming is expected to increase the temperature of freshwater ecosystems. In thiswork,we analyzed the effect of a mild temperature increase on the acute response of the aquatic larvae Chironomus riparius to the ultraviolet filter benzophenone-3 (BP3). This substance is commonly used in sunscreens and other commercial products and can reach the environment in different ways.We exposed larvae to BP3 at 18.5 or 23 °C for 8 or 24 h and analyzed the acute response at the molecular level. By quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR), we studied altered messenger RNA (mRNA) levels of genes related to the endocrine system (EcR, InR and Met), detoxification mechanisms (Cyp4d2, Cyp6b7, GST d6, GST o1 and MRP-1) and stress response (Hsp22, Hsp27, Hsp70, HYOU and Gp93). Moreover, enzyme activity was evaluated, with a focus on glutathione-S-transferase (GST), phenoloxidase (PO) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Results showed that temperature affected the acute response of this organism by modifying the expression of EcR, Cyp6b7, GST d6, GST o1, MRP-1, Hsp22, Hsp27 and Hsp70 genes. These results suggest that even mild temperature change can affect the response of this organism to BP3 influencing short-term progress of the population. Although longer exposures are required to determine the ability of C. riparius to manage the pollutants in this novel environmental conditions, in order to know the possible mechanisms of detoxification or adaptation that may develop. This research represents a first step in the analysis of multi-stresseninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess23 Química::2302 Bioquímica24 Ciencias de la Vida::2408 Etología::2408.03 Insectos25 Ciencias de la Tierra y del Espacio::2502 ClimatologíaCombined effects of benzophenone-3 and temperature on gene expression and enzymatic activity in the aquatic larvae Chironomus ripariusEfectos combinados de la benzofenona-3 y la temperatura sobre la expresión genética y la actividad enzimática en las larvas acuáticas Chironomus ripariusartículoUV-filterClimate changeAcute toxicityChironomidFiltro UVCambio climáticoToxicidad agudaQuironómidos