Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 InternacionalMonago Maraña, OlgaAouladtayib-Boulakjar, NadiaZapardiel Palenzuela, AntonioGarcía Domínguez, AmabelAyllón Pérez, JorgeRodríguez Prieto, ÁlvaroClaver Gil, JuanCamacho López, Ana MaríaGonzález Crevillén, Agustín2024-09-132024-09-132024Olga Monago-Maraña, Nadia Aouladtayib-Boulakjar, Antonio Zapardiel-Palenzuela, Amabel García, Jorge Ayllón, Álvaro Rodríguez-Prieto, Juan Claver, Ana María Camacho, Agustín G. Crevillén. Cost-effective fully 3D-printed on-drop electrochemical sensor based on carbon black/polylactic acid: a comparative study with screen-printed sensors in food analysis. Microchimica Acta, 191, 2024, 539. DOI: | eISSN 1436-5073 is the Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Springer in " Microchimica Acta" on 2024, available online: Este es el manuscrito aceptado de un artículo publicado por Springer en " Microchimica Acta" en 2024, disponible en línea: technology allows scientist to fabricate easily electrochemical sensors. Until now, these sensors were designed employing a large amount of material, which increases the cost and decreases manufacturing throughput. In this work, a low-cost 3D-printed on-drop electrochemical sensor (3D-PES) was fully manufactured by fused filament fabrication, minimizing the number of printing layers. Carbon black/polylactic acid filament was employed, and the design and several printing parameters were optimized to yield the maximum electroanalytical performance using the minimal amount of material. Print speed and extrusion width showed a critical influence on the electroanalytical performance of 3D-PES. Under optimized conditions, the fabrication procedure offered excellent reproducibility (RSD 1.3% in working electrode diameter), speed (< 3 min/unit), and costs (< 0.01 $ in material cost). The 3D-PES was successfully applied to the determination of phloridzin in apple juice. The analytical performance of 3D-PES was compared with an equivalent commercial on-drop screen-printed electrode, yielding similar precision and accuracy but lower sensitivity. However, 3D-PES provides interesting features such as recyclability, biodegradability, low-cost, and the possibility of being manufactured near the point of need, some of which meets several demands of Green Chemistry. This cost-effective printing approach is a green and promising alternative for manufacturing disposable and portable electroanalytical devices, opening new possibilities not only in on-site food analysis but also in point-of-care testing.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess25 Ciencias de la Tierra y del EspacioCost-effective fully 3D-printed on-drop electrochemical sensor based on carbon black/polylactic acid: a comparative study with screen-printed sensors in food analysisartículoadditive manufacturing;differential pulse voltammetryelectrochemical detectionfood analysisfused filament fabricationgreen chemistrypoint-of-need