Cabanas Díaz, Edgarlllouz, EvaPugh, Allison J.2024-07-262024-07-262016-12-20Cabanas Díaz, Edgar; lllouz, Eva. (2017). The Making of a “Happy Worker”: Positive Psychology in Neoliberal Organizations. In Pugh, Allison J.(Ed.), Beyond the cubicle: Insecurity culture and the flexible self (pp. 25–50). Oxford University Press978-0199957781 this work we analyze some of the economic and organizational conditions that help to understand the cultural pervasiveness of the modern idea of happiness and its inherent intertwining with neoliberal ideology. Specifically, we argue that happiness-based repertoires and techniques provided by positive psychologists are reshaping both the meaning and the logic of workers identity. Regarding this, we introduce the idea that Maslow’s “Pyramid of Needs”, on which managerial theory has relied in the last decades, has been completely inverted. We also analyze how individuals use these happiness-based repertoires and techniques to adapt behavioral patterns, self-image and expectations to the emerging demands of personal autonomy as well as the flexibility of networking organizations. This way, while these organizations delegate to workers many of the contingencies derived from work, displacing a great deal of the burden of the market and organizational uncertainty onto individuals themselves, positive psychologists claim to provide instruments that enhance self-control and resilient behavior in order to help individuals thrive in constantly changing, stressful and competitive environments.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess72 Filosofía61 PsicologíaThe Making oThe Making of a “Happy Worker”. Positive Psychology in Neoliberal Organizationslibro