Sánchez Calderón, SilviaBrady, Imelda KatherineCarranza Márquez, AureliaCunha Fanego, Iria DaEscobar Álvarez, María ÁngelesPistola Grille, SaraRomea Parente, Elena2024-07-052024-07-052023Sánchez Calderón, Silvia; Brady, Imelda K.; Carranza, Aurelia; Da Cunha, Iria; Escobar, M. Ángeles; Pistola, Sara y Romea, Elena. "RE-Write: a mobile app as an L2 English teaching-learning resource for writing authentic texts based on textual genres". EADTU Envisioning Report: exploring new modes of teaching & learning for empowering universities 7th edition, Zenodo, 2023, págs. 44-47. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7993634https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7993634https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14468/22836La Asociación Europea de Universidades de Educación a Distancia (EADTU, por su sigla en inglés) es una red europea formada por universidades en línea y a distancia europeas que trabaja con la misión de influir en la política pública en cuestiones de formación en línea y a distancia, además de captar fondos para proyectos innovadores vinculados con el ámbito de la educación virtual.This paper analyzes the design of the mobile application RE-Write (Resources for English Writing) as an autonomous learning resource for the development of written production of English texts based on textual genres. Examples of these textual genres include opinion essays, job application letters, formal emails or articles. The learning resources hosted in each textual genre are structured as follows: (a) a brief videotutorial that explains the structure and the content of each text, along with the main linguistic features from three main approaches, namely, lexicon (semantic fields), grammar (verbal tenses) and discourse (use of connectors, rethorical figures), (b) a golden text extracted from an online and open access source, that will serve users as a model pattern for writing their own texts and (c) self-corrected activities with gamification that will allow to measure the users’ progress by obtaining points or trophies. Previous empirical studies have evidenced that students show high motivation for learning English through the use of mobile phones and the development of written production of texts in this language has considered to be positive via Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) (Hao, Lee, Chen and Sim 2019; Khalitova and Gimaletdinova 2016). Therefore, RE-Write aims to contribute to help English second language learners with an A2-B1 level develop autonomous learning in the writing of textual genres through MALL and also aid these learners along their academic performance.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess55 Historia::5505 Ciencias auxiliares de la historia::5505.10 FilologíaRE-Write: a mobile app as an L2 English teaching-learning resource for writing authentic texts based on textual genresinformemobile applicationtextual genresself-correctionwritten productionEnglishautonomous learning