Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 InternacionalGómez Jiménez, ÁngelVázquez Botana, AlexandraAtran, Scott2024-08-282024-08-282023-06-06Gómez, Á., Vázquez, A., & Atran, S. (2023). Transcultural pathways to the will to fight. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(24), e2303614120. registered version of this article, first published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is available online at the publisher's website: National Academy of Sciences, versión registrada de este artículo, publicado por primera vez en Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, está disponible en línea en el sitio web del editor: National Academy of Sciences, ‘Will to Fight Act’ was amended to the nation's annual defense bill (FY2023 NDAA) urging attention to assessing will to fight, after debate acknowledging that current evaluation efforts within the political and military establishment remain contentious, fragmented, and meager. This likely will persist, along with attendant policy failures and grievous costs, without awareness of research that the social and psychological sciences reveal on the will to fight [S. Atran, Science 373, 1063 (2021)]. We illustrate such research using converging data from a multimethod and multicultural approach, including field and online studies from the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe. These studies reveal specific psychosocial pathways, within a general causal framework, that predict willingness to make costly sacrifices, including to cooperate, fight, and die in war and sustained conflict. From the continuing strife in Iraq to embattled Ukraine, 31 studies were conducted in 9 countries with nearly 12,000 participants. These include people in longstanding conflicts, refugees, imprisoned jihadists and gangs, US military, studies in Ukraine before and during the current war, and rolling studies with a European ally of Ukraine. Results provide evidence for a mediation model of transcultural pathways to the will to fight. Building on our previous behavioral and brain research, on the battlefield in Iraq, with violent extremists, and with US military, the linear mediation yielding the will to fight involves identity fusion, perceived spiritual formidability, and trust. The model, a variation on “The Devoted Actor Framework,” applies to primary reference groups, core cultural values, and leaders.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess61 PsicologíaTranscultural pathways to the will to fightartículoidentity fusionspiritual formidabilitytrustcore valueswill to fight