Rodríguez Vidal, JavierVerdejo, JuliaCarrillo de Albornoz Cuadrado, Jorge AmandoAmigo Cabrera, EnriquePlaza Morales, LauraGonzalo Arroyo, Julio Antonio2024-05-202024-05-202020-04-011868-5137, 1868-5145 online reputation summaries for an entity (company, brand, etc.) is a focused summarization task with a distinctive feature: issues that may affect the reputation of the entity take priority in the summary. In this paper we (i) present a new test collection of manually created (abstractive and extractive) reputation reports which summarize tweet streams for 31 companies in the banking and automobile domains; (ii) propose a novel methodology to evaluate summaries in the context of online reputation monitoring, which profits from an analogy between reputation reports and the problem of diversity in search; and (iii) provide empirical evidence that producing reputation reports is different from a standard summarization problem, and incorporating priority signals is essential to address the task effectively.enAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacionalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAutomatic Generation of Entity-Oriented Summaries for Reputation ManagementartículoSummarizationSearch with diversityTwittermicroblogsOnline Reputation Management