Sánchez Calderón, SilviaPacheco Plaza, Marina2024-09-112024-09-112024-06Pacheco Plaza, Marina (2024) Investigating error awareness and error correction strategies through written corrective feedback in L2 english learning. Trabajo Fin de Máster. Universidad de Educación a Distancia (UNED)https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14468/23697Especialidad en Planificación y política lingüística de la Lengua Inglesa en el marco europeoThis study investigates written errors in a corpus of 90 compositions produced in English as a second language (L2) with the aim of shedding light on the most effective type of written nd enhance their written production skills. This work also explores what type of feedback is preferred for L2 English learners to correct their written errors after being provided WFC. The participants of this research involve L2 English learners (5 women and 5 men) with C1 proficiency level, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and who are enrolled in an Oficial School of Languages in the south of the Community of Madrid. Their ages range from 18 to 56 years old. Three types of WCF have been examined, namely, repetition, clarification request and elicitation. The results of this study have revealed that elicitation is the most effective type of feedback for correcting errors presented in the le . It is also the preferred type of feedback, as the three types of feedback under analysis. The findings of this study will offer valuable insights into language learning and language teching since it provides information regarding the outcomes in English writing skills as well as the teaching practice with a particular focus on the written production skill.esinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess55 Historia::5505 Ciencias auxiliares de la historia::5505.10 FilologíaInvestigating error awareness and error correction strategies through written corrective feedback in L2 english learningtesis de maestríawritten errorsfeedbackrepetitionclarification requestelicitationEnglish learning