Publicación: Comportamiento del consumidor en e-Turismo: Explorando nuevas aplicaciones del aprendizaje automático en los estudios de turismo
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Universidad de Alicante
Los mercados digitales han alterado la forma en que interactúan los agentes económicos y han cambiado el comportamiento de los turistas. Además, la pandemia de COVID-19 ha demostrado que es necesario monitorear la evolución del comportamiento del consumidor digital y los factores que influyen en él, ya que son elementos dinámicos que evolucionan en el tiempo. Este artículo analiza las desigualdades digitales y valida los principales factores que influyen en los turistas para reservar servicios turísticos en línea. Esta investigación utiliza un conjunto de microdatos con 69.752 y 23.779 observaciones para analizar el modo de reserva de los servicios de alojamiento y transporte, respectivamente, obtenidos de la Encuesta de Turismo de Residentes del Instituto Nacional de Estadística durante el periodo 2016-2021. El artículo confirma variaciones en el perfil del consumidor online y en las características del viaje. Uno de los hallazgos más relevantes es la reducción de la brecha generacional en la contratación online de servicios turísticos. Sin embargo, subsisten desigualdades digitales, como las desigualdades regionales y otras basadas en el nivel de estudios y los ingresos de los turistas. También se destaca que diferentes tipos de viajes, dependiendo del destino, el tipo de alojamiento o transporte, tienen una propensión diferente a reservarse a través de canales de compra digitales. La accesibilidad a las fuentes de big data y los avances recientes en los modelos de aprendizaje automático también han hecho evolucionar las metodologías para analizar el comportamiento del consumidor digital y deben incorporarse a los estudios de turismo. Este estudio compara el rendimiento predictivo de diferentes metodologías en el contexto del turismo electrónico. En particular, evaluamos la potencial capacidad predictiva que podría obtenerse usando técnicas de aprendizaje automático para explicar el comportamiento del consumidor en e-Tourism y lo usamos como punto de referencia para compararlo con los resultados obtenidos usando métodos estadísticos tradicionales. Las métricas de evaluación predictivas seleccionadas muestran que el modelo estadístico de regresión logística mejora la capacidad predictiva de la red neuronal Multilayer Perceptron y presenta valores muy cercanos la máxima capacidad predictiva alcanzada por el algoritmo Random Forest.
Digital markets have altered how economic agents interact and have changed the behaviour of tourists. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that it is necessary to constantly monitor the evolution of digital consumer behaviour and the factors that influence it, as they are dynamic elements that evolve over time. This paper analyses digital inequalities and validates the main factors influencing tourists to book online tourism services. This research uses a set of microdata with 69,752 and 23,779 observations to analyse the booking mode of accommodation and transportation services, respectively, obtained from the Resident Travel Survey of the National Statistics Institute of Spain during the period 2016-2021. The article confirms variations in the online consumer profile and in the trip's characteristics. One of the most relevant findings is the narrowing of the generational gap in the online contracting of tourist services. However, there are remaining digital inequalities, such as regional inequalities and others based on the education level and income of tourists. It is also highlighted that different types of trips, depending on the destination, the type of accommodation or transport have a different propensity to be booked through digital purchase channels. The accessibility to big data sources and recent advances in machine learning models have also made the methodologies for analysing digital consumer behaviour evolve and must be incorporated into tourism studies. This study compares the predictive performance of different methodologies in the context of e Tourism. In particular, we evaluate the potential predictive power that could be obtained using machine learning techniques to explain consumer behaviour in e-Tourism and use it as a benchmark to compare it with the results obtained using traditional statistical methods. The selected predictive evaluation metrics show that the logistic regression statistical model outperforms the predictive power of the Multilayer Perceptron neural network and presents values very close to the maximum predictive power achieved by the Random Forest algorithm.
Digital markets have altered how economic agents interact and have changed the behaviour of tourists. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that it is necessary to constantly monitor the evolution of digital consumer behaviour and the factors that influence it, as they are dynamic elements that evolve over time. This paper analyses digital inequalities and validates the main factors influencing tourists to book online tourism services. This research uses a set of microdata with 69,752 and 23,779 observations to analyse the booking mode of accommodation and transportation services, respectively, obtained from the Resident Travel Survey of the National Statistics Institute of Spain during the period 2016-2021. The article confirms variations in the online consumer profile and in the trip's characteristics. One of the most relevant findings is the narrowing of the generational gap in the online contracting of tourist services. However, there are remaining digital inequalities, such as regional inequalities and others based on the education level and income of tourists. It is also highlighted that different types of trips, depending on the destination, the type of accommodation or transport have a different propensity to be booked through digital purchase channels. The accessibility to big data sources and recent advances in machine learning models have also made the methodologies for analysing digital consumer behaviour evolve and must be incorporated into tourism studies. This study compares the predictive performance of different methodologies in the context of e Tourism. In particular, we evaluate the potential predictive power that could be obtained using machine learning techniques to explain consumer behaviour in e-Tourism and use it as a benchmark to compare it with the results obtained using traditional statistical methods. The selected predictive evaluation metrics show that the logistic regression statistical model outperforms the predictive power of the Multilayer Perceptron neural network and presents values very close to the maximum predictive power achieved by the Random Forest algorithm.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
e-Tourism, online travel booking, consumer behaviour, big data, logistic regression, machine learning, dynamic behaviour, Turismo electrónico, reservas en línea, comportamiento del consumidor, big data, regresión logística, aprendizaje automático, comportamiento dinámico
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Análisis Económico