Publicación: Dosimetra previa y posterior al tratamiento en pacientes hipertiroideos tratados con 131I mediante una nueva aplicacion informatica
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Ciencias.
En cualquier terapia con radiacion ionizante, los efectos clnicos observados en el volumen blanco y en los tejidos sanos estan relacionados de forma directa con la dosis absorbida. Por ello, en radioterapia, el medico radioterapeuta prescribe una dosis en Grays (Gy), a la vez que ja un lmite de dosis, tambien en Gy, que puede llegar a los organos de riesgo. As, dos pacientes distintos con la misma patologa reciben normalmente una misma prescripcion de dosis. Sin embargo, como la anatoma de cada paciente es distinta, a cada paciente se le planica un tratamiento individual, en el que el numero de campos, el tama~no y forma de estos, y el numero de unidades de monitor que dispara el acelerador lineal de electrones, sera distinto. En radioterapia molecular, no solo vara la anatoma del paciente, si no que tambien cambia la siolog a, el metabolismo, y en denitiva, la forma en la que se distribuye el radiofarmaco en el paciente. Por ello, prescribir la actividad del radiofarmaco que hay que administrar al paciente es algo que no tiene sentido. Es necesario prescribir una dosis (en Gy) en el organo diana, y hacer las medidas y calculos necesarios para estimar que actividad hay que administrar al paciente para que la dosis absorbida sea igual a la prescrita. En este trabajo se describe un metodo para estimar la actividad que hay que administrar a pacientes hipertiroideos tratados con yodo radiactivo (131I), y se presenta una aplicacion informatica que a partir de medidas no invasivas realizadas en el paciente, realiza todos los calculos necesarios para que la dosis absorbida en la glandula tiroidea sea igual a la prescrita por el medico de medicina nuclear.
In any therapy with ionizing radiation, the observed clinical efects in the target volume and in the healthy tissues are directly related to the absorbed doses. For that reason, in radiotherapy the medical doctor prescribes a dose in Grays (Gy), and at the same time sets a limit on the doses that can be tolerated by the organs at risk. Therefore, patients with similar pathologies normaly recive similar dose prescriptions. However, since the anatomy of each patient is dierent, an individual treatment is designed for each patient, in which the number of elds, their sizes and shapes, and the number of monitor units delivered by the linear accelerator, will be dierent. In molecular radiotherapy, in addition to considering the anatomy of the patient, we also need to take into consideration the metabolism and other physiological processes that control the distribution of the radiofarmaceutical drug in the patient. Therefore, prescribing the activity of the radiofarmaceutical agent to be delivered to the patient doesn't make sense. Here too, the prescription should be a dose in Gy to the target volume. All necessary measurements and calculations should be done to estimate what activity needs to be administered to the patient so that the nal absorbed dose equals the precribed one. In the present work, a method is described for the estimation of the activity that needs to be given to patients suering hyperthyroidism that are treated with radioactive iodine (131I), so that the absorbed dose in the thyroid gland equals the dose prescribed by the nuclear medicine doctor. A new software has been developed to aid during the hole process.
In any therapy with ionizing radiation, the observed clinical efects in the target volume and in the healthy tissues are directly related to the absorbed doses. For that reason, in radiotherapy the medical doctor prescribes a dose in Grays (Gy), and at the same time sets a limit on the doses that can be tolerated by the organs at risk. Therefore, patients with similar pathologies normaly recive similar dose prescriptions. However, since the anatomy of each patient is dierent, an individual treatment is designed for each patient, in which the number of elds, their sizes and shapes, and the number of monitor units delivered by the linear accelerator, will be dierent. In molecular radiotherapy, in addition to considering the anatomy of the patient, we also need to take into consideration the metabolism and other physiological processes that control the distribution of the radiofarmaceutical drug in the patient. Therefore, prescribing the activity of the radiofarmaceutical agent to be delivered to the patient doesn't make sense. Here too, the prescription should be a dose in Gy to the target volume. All necessary measurements and calculations should be done to estimate what activity needs to be administered to the patient so that the nal absorbed dose equals the precribed one. In the present work, a method is described for the estimation of the activity that needs to be given to patients suering hyperthyroidism that are treated with radioactive iodine (131I), so that the absorbed dose in the thyroid gland equals the dose prescribed by the nuclear medicine doctor. A new software has been developed to aid during the hole process.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Ciencias
Física Matemática y de Fluídos