Osuna Acedo, Sara

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Mostrando 1 - 9 de 9
  • Publicación
    sMOOC, Un Nuevo Modelo De Formación En El Aprendizaje Del Segundo Idioma. Estudio De Caso
    (Routledge, 2020-01-03) Osuna Acedo, Sara::virtual::4070::600; Gil Quintana, Javier::virtual::4071::600; Osuna Acedo, Sara; Gil Quintana, Javier; Osuna Acedo, Sara; Gil Quintana, Javier; Osuna Acedo, Sara; Gil Quintana, Javier
    Este artículo presenta un trabajo de investigación desarrollado en el Proyecto Europeo ECO (Elearning, Communication, Open-data). El estudio despliega un análisis de enfoque cuantitativo del sMOOC (socialMOOC) llamado “How to succeed in the English B1 Level Exam“, curso destinado a ayudar a los estudiantes a prepararse para cualquier examen de inglés, de nivel B1. El objetivo de la investigación es el análisis de las experiencias comunicativas y pedagógicas percibidas en este contexto específico, aplicadas al aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras, en general, y al inglés como lengua extranjera, en particular. Esta línea educativa y comunicativa ha sentado las bases para el Proyecto ECO que, más allá de la formación de docentes, apuesta decididamente por una educación abierta para toda la vida. Este estudio ha sido concebido con el propósito de descubrir la valoración de los estudiantes que aprenden a través de este modelo formativo e innovador, que promueve un nuevo esquema horizontal y bidireccional de comunicación. Para reconocer esta realidad, se han analizado los datos compilados a través de la herramienta de cuestionarios incluida en el curso. Se ha llevado a cabo una investigación para la acción, ampliando el rango de innovación con nuevas prácticas pedagógicas y comunicativas en las redes sociales, consiguiendo activar una participación comprometida de los individuos como agentes culturales activos en la creación de la cibercultura del siglo XXI.
  • Publicación
    The production of written discourse on social networks regarding people's disappearances and consequent parallel trials. Case of Gabriel Cruz (Spain) on Twitter and Facebook
    (2020) Marta Lazo, Carmen; Osuna Acedo, Sara; Gil Quintana, Javier
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo llevar a cabo un análisis de la realidad representada en la construcción del discurso, a partir de un caso de estudio cualitativo netnográfico que conjunta una doble vertiente: la desaparición de un menor que terminó en tragedia y la presunta culpabilidad de una inmigrante de raza negra en un asesinato que tuvo gran repercusión mediática. Para ello, en este análisis y categorización del discurso escrito de los actantes, tratamos de dilucidar los diferentes rasgos, intencionalidad y tratamiento del mismo en los sitios oficiales de Twitter y Facebook de cuatro medios de comunicación españoles @telecincoes, @LaSextaNoticias, @noticias-cuatro y @A3Noticias, mediante el estudio de sus diferencias. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto cómo el discurso en redes sociales tiene mayor proyección si está basado en la xenofobia, presentándose como `juicio paralelo´ normalizado ante determinados hechos sociales, planteamiento que es potenciado por los propios medios de comunicación.
  • Publicación
    Transmedia Practices and Collaborative Strategies in Informal Learning of Adolescents
    (MDPI, 2020-06-04) Gil Quintana, Javier; Osuna Acedo, Sara
    Transmedia literacy is the evolution from traditional media literacy to informal learning and participatory cultures. It analyzes the media literacy processes of young people through communities of practice in participatory contexts and through the use of digital discourses that enable the creation of transmedia universes. The present study is approached from a mixed research method, whose main objective is the analysis of adolescents’ digital habits through several data-collecting tools: A survey, participative workshops, in-depth interviews, a media diary, and online observation. From that background information, the study subject has focused on Spain, and it is framed within the “Transliteracy: Transmedia skills and informal learning strategies” project, funded by Spain’s ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitivity. The studio is based on a sample of 237 adolescents, from 12 to 14 years old, all intensive users of digital technologies. Interesting results were obtained concerning different transmedia practices that are frequent in adolescents and the informal learning collaborative strategies they currently use. This research work concludes that the use of the Internet, although occasionally lacking adequate safety measures, increases self-sufficiency in adolescents’ informal learning. They take control of their own learning, thus enhancing self-motivation and increasing the acquisition of transmedia competences.
  • Publicación
    Nano-influencers Edutubers: perspective of Centennial Generation Families in Spain
    (2022-02-24) Gil Quintana, Javier; Vida de León, Emilio; Osuna Acedo, Sara; Marta Lazo, Carmen
    In recent decades, the incipient technological development has generated a radical change in the way people access and transmit knowledge. Educational institutions must have a teaching staff adapted to new forms of consuming information. The purpose of this research is to know the media competence of Spanish teachers, from the perspective of families of schoolchildren in primary education. This analysis is based on the investigation published by 50 renowned international experts in media competence, which revolves around six major dimensions. In our analysis, we focused on the processes of interaction, production, and dissemination of content by teachers on YouTube. A questionnaire has been devised with a sample formed by 1228 families, a personal interview with a sample formed by 20 families, and a comparative analysis of the productions and interaction of amateur teachers on YouTube platform and of recognized “edutubers,” as well as the use given to the dissemination of content on social networks. In the results obtained, the profile of a teaching staff that is increasingly disseminating and producing on social networks stands out, becoming content creators through their own YouTube channels, which also proposes tools for an interaction adapted to the centennial generation, using different digital communication tools. Differences were found comparing the three dimensions involved in this analysis, with teachers obtaining more positive evaluations as producers and as interactors in private schools than in subsidized and public schools. Likewise, differences were found between nano‐influencers and macro‐ influencers in the use of aesthetic elements that make up the videos analyzed among the “edutubers.”
  • Publicación
    The social and Transfer Massive Open Online Course: Post-Digital Learning
    (MDPI, 2021-04-30) Hueso Romero, José Javier; Gil Quintana, Javier; Hasbun, Helen; Osuna Acedo, Sara
    This research provides a current view on post-digital learning experiences with a massive open online course (MOOC), in relation to user profiles, universal instructional design, digital resources, inclusive activities and collaborative assessment. The study is based on a mixed research methodology, creating a questionnaire aimed at people with experience in any MOOC typology, in which the learning methodology, the instructional didactic design of the MOOCs, the resources, proposed activities, and accessibility are analyzed. Additionally, interviews and focus groups were carried out with the creators of massive open online social courses alongside the students of the official Master of Communication and Education on the Internet, offered by the UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia—Spain), with the subject of virtual participation scenarios. The data obtained are subjected to statistical tests to determine the scientific rigor, such as Cronbach’s alpha, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test, and the non-parametric tests of Spearman’s correlation coefficient and Kendall’s Tau b. In conclusion, the social massive open online course/transfer massive open online course model is evidenced as a projected approach in social networks. The sMOOC and tMOOC are online training models, which are in constant development and evolution, as a social, creative, collaborative, interactive, and inclusive learning methodology, offering new challenges for the digital distance education of the future. The research carried out is only related and linked to the experiences of different people with the sMOOC and tMOOC.
  • Publicación
    The construction of news in Julen’s case: a comparative study of media cover-age
    (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2021) Gil Quintana, Javier; Osuna Acedo, Sara
    The present article, containing a mixed and comparative press study, aims to analyse the media coverage of a news story eventually known as “Julen’s case”. The impact of the story has been analysed with a specific method: First, 72 national and international media sources were analysed using Mynewsonline. Then, these were compared with the different perspectives offered by Spanish newspapers El País, El Mundo and ABC, with special attention paid to the theory of Framing. Julen’s story was selected as the case study due to its extraordinary impact on both local and international media. The results confirm that the coverage analysed in the sample did not merely recount the event in a factual manner. Instead, the media focused on sensationalist angles and criteria, such as emotional conflicts related to sorrow, pain and morbid fascination. In order to increase their income, the media let themselves get entangled in a mediatic circus.
  • Publicación
    La producción del discurso en redes sociales respecto a las desapariciones de personas y consiguientes juicios paralelos. Análisis semántico del caso de Gabriel Cruz (España) en Twitter y Facebook
    (Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, 2020-08) Carmen Marta-Lazo; Osuna Acedo, Sara; Gil Quintana, Javier
    Resumen Este artículo tiene como objetivo llevar a cabo un análisis de la realidad representada en la construcción del discurso, a partir de un caso de estudio cualitativo netnográfico que conjunta una doble vertiente: la desaparición de un menor que terminó en tragedia y la presunta culpabilidad de una inmigrante de raza negra en un asesinato que tuvo gran repercusión mediática. Para ello, en este análisis y categorización del discurso escrito de los actantes, tratamos de dilucidar los diferentes rasgos, intencionalidad y tratamiento del mismo en los sitios oficiales de Twitter y Facebook de cuatro medios de comunicación españoles @telecincoes, @LaSextaNoticias, @noticias-cuatro y @A3Noticias, mediante el estudio de sus diferencias. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto cómo el discurso en redes sociales tiene mayor proyección si está basado en la xenofobia, presentándose como `juicio paralelo´ normalizado ante determinados hechos sociales, planteamiento que es potenciado por los propios medios de comunicación.
  • Publicación
    Citizenship Training through sMOOCs: A Participative and Intercreative Learning
    (MDPI, 2020-09-09) Gil Quintana, Javier; Osuna Acedo, Sara
    sMOOCs (social massive open online courses) have revealed themselves as a remarkable opportunity to foster the culture of participation and open knowledge and sustainability. Due to their communicative potential, they make it possible for participants to interact, to create ubiquitous learning, and to build knowledge in a collective way. This educational and communicative line has set the basis for the European ECO (e-learning, communication, open data) Project, i.e., the purpose of our study, which, beyond training teachers, is decidedly betting on open life-long education. The results presented in the study have been elicited by following a quantitative methodology, through the analysis of a “sMOOC Step by Step” community, intended to become an educational gate to students’ empowerment, shared knowledge, and participation in the course. Results show that collaborative work practices organized by teachers in that virtual learning community encourage educational changes. Both the degree of satisfaction with the learning achieved and the way students perceive its direct applicability to real-life professional contexts prove the effectiveness of this training model. Our research has expanded, aiming to discover sMOOCs opportunities for teacher training and assessing the motivation shown by the virtual learning community towards such an educational reality.
  • Publicación
    Competencias mediáticas para el empoderamiento digital. Estudio de caso de inmigrantes hispanos en Estados Unidos
    (Universidad de Granada, 2021-10-16) Gil Quintana, Javier; Osuna Acedo, Sara; Marta Lazo, Carmen
    Esta investigación analiza las competencias digitales de los inmigrantes hispanos residentes en Estados Unidos, con el fin de conocer cuáles son sus posibles fortalezas y carencias para alcanzar un verdadero empoderamiento digital ciudadano como grupo. Como técnicas de análisis, se realiza una triangulación metodológica mediante encuestas a los propios inmigrantes, entrevistas en profundidad a observadores privilegiados y focus groups a representantes de diversas disciplinas, todo ello en paralelo con el estudio de los programas radiofónicos de servicio público en la Spanish Public Radio, gestionado por los propios inmigrantes y destinados a su grupo. Se ha concluido que los inmigrantes hispanos residentes en EE.UU. dedican sus consumos en el ciberespacio a un manejo más instrumental del mismo, pero les faltan actitudes críticas para actuar como ciberciudadanía empoderada. El empoderamiento digital de este sector de la población es eficiente para hacerse un hueco en el espacio digital, dar respuesta a sus carencias, sus necesidades y su consolidación como grupo activo e interactivo