Persona: Gómez Barroso, José Luis
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Gómez Barroso
Nombre de pila
José Luis
9 resultados
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Publicación Telecommunications and economic development – The 20th century: the building of an evidence base(Elsevier, 2020) Marbán Flores, Raquel; Gómez Barroso, José LuisThe literature on the relation between telecommunications and economic development published during the 20th century has been reviewed. It all began in 1963 with the publication of the Jipp curve. Over the twenty years that followed, there was hardly any noteworthy, at least academic, contribution. Already in the eighties, the debate was still focused towards the role of telecommunications in the integration of developing countries into the world economy. In the last decade of the century, subsequent research broadened the scope –the lack of an adequate telecommunication infrastructure is a serious drawback for any country–, and also made a qualitative and quantitative jump forwardPublicación Telecommunications and economic development – The 21st century: Making the evidence stronger(Elsevier, 2020) Marbán Flores, Raquel; Gómez Barroso, José LuisA review of the literature on the relation between telecommunications and economic development published since the turn of this century is undertaken. Two stages have been considered: until 2008, most contributions continued to examine the role of telecommunications taken together; since 2009, the impact of broadband –and, to a lesser extent, of mobile communications– dominates the research agenda. All in all, the role of telecommunications as a catalyst to leverage economic growth has been conclusively proven over the years. Taking into consideration the shortcomings of previous research, suggestions for future work are also providedPublicación Feel free to use my personal data: an experiment on disclosure behavior when shopping online(Emerald, 2021) Gómez Barroso, José LuisPurpose: The goal of the article is twofold: to determine the effectiveness of monetary incentives for disclosing personal information, and to confirm the existence of a bite the bullet effect whereby people more easily accept providing personal data if they become aware of the requirement when the purchasing decision is almost taken. Design/methodology/approach: An experiment in which participants made a real purchase on the AliExpress marketplace was carried out. They were asked to login either via the Facebook button or by creating a username and password. A different reimbursement of the price paid for their purchase was offered in each case. This information was presented either at the beginning of the purchasing process or just before completing the purchase order. Findings: The monetary incentive proved to work well. The bite the bullet effect could not be assessed because many participants willingly gave their data to the company even if they had decided not to buy anything. Social implications: While people continue to publicly declare that they have privacy concerns, their behavior could not be further removed from such concerns. Practical implications: From a managerial perspective, this is good news. This is a calamity from a policy perspective. More experiments carried out in real settings are needed as a first step for reconsidering public action. Originality/value: Experiment in a completely real setting, in which participants made a purchase using their own credit card.Publicación Privacy calculus: Factors that influence the perception of benefit(EPI SCP, 2018) Feijóo González, Claudio; Martínez Martínez, Inmaculada J.; Gómez Barroso, José LuisEn muchas ocasiones, los usuarios de aplicaciones y servicios en internet ceden consciente y voluntariamente sus datos personales para obtener una mejora en el servicio o una reducción en el precio. Esta acción implica, en principio, que han seguido un comportamiento racional calculando y luego confrontando los beneficios que se les ofrecen y los costes implícitos (el uso potencial que de sus datos pueda hacerse). La percepción del beneficio derivada de la cesión de información personal no es igual para todos los individuos. Este artículo investiga los factores que la determinan y concluye que son más proclives a percibir mayor beneficio los más adictos a la Red, los que no han perdido su confianza por haber sufrido en el pasado algún incidente desagradable en internet, quienes menos conocimientos tienen, y quienes desarrollan una mayor actividad online.Publicación Uso y valor de la información personal: Un escenario en evolución(EPI SCP, 2018) Gómez Barroso, José LuisNuestras modernas sociedades de la información son también, y muy en particular, sociedades de la información personal. La colecta de datos personales se ha convertido en el activo necesario para el desarrollo de los mercados de la economía digital. Más importante aún, la manera en que los individuos perciben y gestionan la privacidad es ahora radicalmente distinta de la que era hace solo unos años. Aunque estas transformaciones sociales se han acelerado recientemente, el entorno en que debe contextualizarse el uso y valor dado a la información personal está en proceso de cambio desde hace ya medio siglo. Basándose en el análisis de la bibliografía académica que se ha ocupado del tema, este trabajo describe dicha evolución y analiza los intereses presentes de empresas, ciudadanos y administración pública en lo que a la revelación y uso de información personal se refiere.Publicación A study on the deployment of high-speed broadband networks in NUTS3 regions within the framework of digital agenda for Europe(Elsevier, 2018) Feijóo González, Claudio; Armuña, Cristina; Arenal, Alberto; Ramos Villaverde, Sergio; Gómez Barroso, José LuisThis paper investigates the high-speed broadband situation in the EU and its prospects. It uses a deployment model to estimate the investment required to meet the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE) broadband targets set by the European Commission in its Europe 2020 strategy at different stages: as of 2016, after expected operators’ deployment, after public subsidies and leveraged investment, and as expected in 2020. The model uses data at the NUTS3 level, which is the most granular level that has data available on the status of broadband deployment, to arrive at a coherent and comparable framework. From the different perspectives on the investment to meet DAE targets, the paper concludes on the need for an appropriate combination of incumbent and alternative operators investments, public subsidies and leveraged investments, and new investments, both public and private and non-existing as of 2016, examining their feasibility and the impact of different regulatory, technical, and policy strategies.Publicación Experiments on personal information disclosure: past and future avenues(Elsevier, 2018) Gómez Barroso, José LuisWhen it comes to understanding the behavior of people when deciding whether to disclose personal information, just anecdotal evidence clearly suggests the need for experimental approaches. In spite of this, in the about fifteen years since the research on online privacy behavior emerged as a distinct field of scientific enquiry, experiments are but a few when compared to surveys and theoretical approaches, even adopting a broad definition of experiment. This article reviews all the experiments already done in the area and it also proposes a research agenda. Experimental techniques not only guide the building of descriptive theories but also serve to demonstrate or prove the adequacy of assumptions present in normative theory.Publicación Economic complexity and Information Society paradigms: a hybrid contribution to explain economic growth(Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2022) Jurado González, Javier; Gómez Barroso, José LuisIn the last decades, the Information Society (IS) paradigm has brought together various research lines related to the diffusion and adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and their contribution to economic, social and human development. On the other hand, other research lines have recently explored the phenomenon of Economic Complexity (EC), providing new metrics to quantify this decisive factor for the prediction of economic growth and other human relevant variables. This article explores these two trends with the construction of two composite indexes. Then, it evaluates their explanatory power to predict economic growth, first separately, and afterwards together. The results show they can predict economic growth and improve their predictive capacity by working combined. In the conclusions, some difficulties and challenges for the development of these metrics are analyzedPublicación An analysis of the behaviour of Spanish society regarding online privacy protection(Federación Española de Sociología, 2020) Feijóo González, Claudio; Gómez Barroso, José LuisLa privacidad es un fenómeno social cuya descripción no ha recibido la atención que merece dada la creciente revelación y uso de información personal en relaciones privadas y públicas. A partir de una encuesta completada por 1.650 individuos, este artículo investiga las variables que definen a quienes muestran una mayor preocupación por la privacidad en internet y a aquellos que siguen unos hábitos que permiten un mejor control de los datos que ceden. Tener antecedentes de problemas con la seguridad o de irritación por la invasión de la esfera privada es en ambos casos la variable más significativa. Está acompañada por otros factores relacionados con la actividad en internet y experiencia en su uso; las variables socioeconómicas o demográficas juegan un papel secundario.