Ayala Cañón, Luis

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  • Publicación
    Unemployment Shocks and Material Deprivation in the European Union: A Synthetic Control Approach
    (Elsevier, 2023) Ayala Cañón, Luis; Martín Román, Javier; Navarro Ruiz, Carolina
    This paper analyzes how material deprivation responds to drastic changes in unemployment levels. We explore unemployment shocks registered in some European Union countries during the so-called Great Recession. To do so, we apply the synthetic control methodology, which has been rarely used in the field of distributive analyses. We use this approach to identify the impact of unemployment shocks on material deprivation and conduct different sensitivity analyses to test the results. We find that contrary to the traditional assumption of the low sensitivity of material deprivation measures to changes in the economic cycle, unemployment shocks have a significant and rapid impact on material deprivation. This conclusion holds even when extending the period of analysis, changing the indicator of material deprivation, or modifying the definition of unemployment shock.
  • Publicación
    Housing poverty
    (EE, Edward Elgar, 2023-03) Ayala Cañón, Luis; Navarro Ruiz, Carolina
    The notion of ‘housing poverty’ is employed to cover a variety of conditions that are not always interchangeable. It is not a clearly defined concept, nor is it a form of poverty that can be clearly disconnected from other dimensions. In this chapter, we examine the idea of housing poverty through four areas of analysis: the identification of the housing conditions that are relevant to the study of deprivation, the methods and approaches to create measures of housing deprivation, the evidence related to the dynamics of housing deprivation, and the links between housing and poverty.