Will the glass be half full or half empty? Brain potentials and emotional expectations

Moreno, Eva M. y Vázquez, Carmelo . (2011) Will the glass be half full or half empty? Brain potentials and emotional expectations. Biological Psychology 88 (2011) 131–140

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Título Will the glass be half full or half empty? Brain potentials and emotional expectations
Autor(es) Moreno, Eva M.
Vázquez, Carmelo
Materia(s) Psicología
Abstract Brainwave responses to words in context depend on semantic and world-knowledge expectations. Using the N400 component of event-related potentials as an index of word expectation, we explored brain responses tonegatively and positively biased sentence frames randomly presented withtheir emotionally matched highly expected outcome or with violations that included switches to unexpected emotionally opposite outcomes or nonsense. Nonsense elicited large N400 responses regardless of the bias of the preceding sentence frame. Unexpected emotionally opposite outcomes elicited smaller than nonsense N400 responses and subsequent post-N400 frontal positivities, both unaffected by sentence frame bias. Over a midline-posterior scalp region, expected positive outcomes elicited larger N400 responses than negative ones, despite a high and matched word probability. Our study reveals that brains respond to unexpected emotional outcomes regardless of the direction of the emotional switch and hints at the possibility that the strength of positive and negative expectations may be adjusted before experiencing unexpected events.
Palabras clave Event-related potentials (ERPs)
language models (LMs)
Post-N400 frontal positivity
Emotion regulation
Editor(es) Elsevier
Fecha 2011
Formato application/ms-word
Identificador bibliuned:DptoPEyE-FPSI-Articulos-Emoreno-0007
DOI - identifier 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2011.07.003
ISSN - identifier 1873-6246
Nombre de la revista Biological Psychology
Número de Volumen 88
Página inicial 131
Página final 140
Publicado en la Revista Biological Psychology 88 (2011) 131–140
Idioma eng
Versión de la publicación acceptedVersion
Tipo de recurso Article
Derechos de acceso y licencia http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0
Tipo de acceso Acceso embargado
Notas adicionales The registered version of this article, first published in Biological Psychology , is available online at the publisher's website: Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsycho.2011.07.003

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