Estimation of mobility and population in Spain during different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic from mobile phone data

Osorio-Arjona, Joaquín y Obras‑Loscertales Sampériz, Julia de las . (2023) Estimation of mobility and population in Spain during different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic from mobile phone data. Scientific Reports 13, 8962 (2023)

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Título Estimation of mobility and population in Spain during different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic from mobile phone data
Autor(es) Osorio-Arjona, Joaquín
Obras‑Loscertales Sampériz, Julia de las
Materia(s) Geografía
Abstract This work aims to find out the effectiveness of sources based on Big Data like mobile phone records to analyze mobility flows and changes in the population of Spain in different scenarios during the period of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus. To this end, we have used mobile phone data provided by the National Institute of Statistics from four days corresponding to different phases of the pandemic. Origin–Destination matrices and population estimation calculations at the spatial level of population cells have been elaborated. The results show different patterns that correspond to the phenomena that have occurred, as the decrease of the population during the periods associated with the confinement measures. The consistency of findings with the reality and the generally good correlation with the population census data indicate that mobile phone records are a useful source of data for the elaboration of demographic and mobility studies during pandemics.
Editor(es) Nature Research
Fecha 2023-06-02
Formato application/pdf
Identificador bibliuned:DptoGEO-FGH-Articulos-Josorio-0009
DOI - identifier
ISSN - identifier 2045-2322
Nombre de la revista Scientific Reports
Número de Volumen 13
Publicado en la Revista Scientific Reports 13, 8962 (2023)
Idioma eng
Versión de la publicación publishedVersion
Tipo de recurso Article
Derechos de acceso y licencia
Tipo de acceso Acceso abierto
Notas adicionales The registered version of this article, first published in Scientific Reports 13, 8962 (2023), is available online at the publisher's website: Nature Research,
Notas adicionales La versión registrada de este artículo, publicado por primera vez en Scientific Reports 13, 8962 (2023), está disponible en línea en el sitio web del editor: Nature Research,

Tipo de documento: Artículo de revista
Collections: Departamento de Geografía. (UNED). Artículos
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Creado: Wed, 07 Feb 2024, 19:16:15 CET