UNED Conferences Portal, EADH Day

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Some hints on the modelling and visualization at the DIMH Spanish Project
Ana García-Serrano, Ana Garcia-Serrano

Last modified: 2015-10-01


DIMH Spanish Project (HAR2012-31117, http://dimh.hypotheses.org/) grows up from previous work of humanists that filled thousands of cards (XML) related to a collection of draws and designs by proposing a new approach based on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) for the modelling of the contents. FCA-based conceptual organization is a lattice of formal concepts close to concepts in the real world, so it may be easily inspected by human experts. An experimental study has been carried out by using the so-called AGS Dataset, that contains enriched data extracted from the Archivo General de Simancas (http://www.mcu.es/archivos/Novedades/novedades_PARES_Coleccion_Digital_Mapas.html) and the evaluation has been conducted by means of an empirical analysis of the obtained results, as well as making use of the visualization framework developed for the DIMH Project, currently deployed at http://albali.lsi.uned.es/DIMHDemo-2/. The achieved results have proven the viability of FCA in this scenario, and some degree of fulfilment of the expected results by the historians of the project.