UNED Conferences Portal, EADH Day

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Can we fight the crisis of the Classics with a digital approach?
Alice Borgna

Last modified: 2015-10-01


Greek and Latin have played a vigorous role in the intellectual life of the West, but today this role seems to be in danger. Starting from the case-study of the Digital Library of Late Antique Latin Texts (http://digiliblt.unipmn.it/), my paper suggests how the interaction between Classics and Digital Humanities can reverse this negative trend.

The DigilibLT Project aim to produce a digital library of Latin texts from second to sixth century AD, a period which has come under the focus of special scholarly attention in the last few decades, but whose literature, in the past, was scanty available in an organized and authoritative digital form. The DigilibLT library offers a complete database of late-antique Latin authors and works, all based on authoritative editions, as well as an exhaustive canon. The texts are encoded according to TEI-XML and they can be downloaded freely in multiple formats. The search windows allow users to search in different sub-corpora, in order to guarantee the maximum of flexibility. Moreover, along with the texts, DigilibLT offers also a working environment with short entries on late-antique authors and works, bibliographies and monographs or out-of-copyright essays.

In addition, projects as DigilibLT show that a digital approach can help to revive Classics programs, often avoided as offering a high risk of future unemployment. My paper will also explain how the strong participation of young in the team (early career, post-docs, PhD candidates, Master students but even undergraduates…) has played a crucial role in the development of the project. What is more, the choice of involving the entire team in all the steps, from the simplest ones to the big issue related with problem solving and project management, is enriching the CV of a humanist graduate with international experiences and significant technical and managerial competences (training in XML-TEI, editing software, etc.), skills nowadays strongly appreciated on the job market.